Add: 1707 Tongfang center, Zhong xin Road, Shajing Bao’an district, Shenzhen, China 518104

Tel: +86-755-2949 8745



We stand for innovation:
    Our experts use some of the latest technologies and processes to deliver an outstanding service, part quality, precision and speed of delivery. We work closely with our customers to ensure the highest standards at all times.

An overview of our engineering capabilities:
Solidworks for 3D modeling of parts.
Complete moldflow analysis, DFM study, Mold 3D design, 2D design etc.
Compliant with Meusburger, HASCO, DME standards and best practices.
Toolpathing for CNC Programming with MasterCAM and ArtCAM.
Serein CMM for part inspection.
1.Mold Design

2.Moldflow Analysis

3.Enginnering Software