Add: 1707 Tongfang center, Zhong xin Road, Shajing Bao’an district, Shenzhen, China 518104
Tel: +86-755-2949 8745
Email: sales@holmores.com
Web: www.holmores.com
HOLMORES Technology Limited
How to raise up a Request For Quotation to us?
i) E-mail your file to sales@holmores.com (ZIP or RAR can be used to compress large data files) File Size up to 20 MB, 2D File Format .dwg /.dxf /.pdf and 3D File Format .igs /.prt /.step /.stp /.x_t
ii) UPLOAD your file to our site via FTP (please send an e-mail or call to notify us so that we may provide you with a prompt response.
iii)Send samples, CD Disk or Hard copy drawings directly to us with the following address:
Direct Line + 86(755)2949 8745
Cell Phone + 86 137 1392 9962
Skype fayeminyoo
Add: 1707 Tongfang center, Zhong xin Road, Shajing, Bao’an district, Shenzhen, China 518104
Plant: Block#1, 1st jinchang Road, Changan town, DongGuan,Guangdong,China
Website www.holmores.com
General information, please contact info@holmores.com
For business cooperation / Technical inquiries sales@holmores.com
Alice MIN – Global Business Director alice@holmores.com
Juana DIOR – Project Sales Manager dior@holmores.com
+86-755-2949 8745
+86 (755) 23 200 242